Ways to Use the Course Articulation Database
- Browse courses OSU students have previously taken abroad.
- Confirm whether a course has been reviewed for Bacc Core.
- Confirm whether a course is upper-division or lower-division.
- Gather course information to share with your academic advisor for guidance on fulfillment of degree requirements.
Helpful Tips
- Limiting your search filters will produce more results.
- This database is not a comprehensive list of all courses available at our partner institutions. It is a record of courses that have been taken by OSU students in previous academic terms and how they were articulated at OSU.
- This database may list courses that are no longer offered or are not offered every term.
- To find an extensive, up-to-date list of courses offered at one of our approved partner institutions, please navigate to the host institution's website and look for their course listings for the term you plan to study abroad. A link to the course catalog will be provided on your OSU GO program brochure page and/or in the learning content of your OSU GO application. If you're having trouble finding the appropriate course list for your program, contact [email protected] for help.
- To see if courses will fulfill your degree requirements, work with your academic advisor.
- To request review of courses for Bacc Core, visit Finding Bacc Core Courses Abroad.
- This database is updated weekly.
- Questions? Contact [email protected].
Important Considerations for Advisors and Students
- OSU GO works with departments to evaluate courses for equivalency/articulation only.
- Academic advisors determine how courses are applied to a student's degree plan.
- Because many courses abroad will not be an exact match with an OSU course, advisors will often use MyDegrees exceptions when applying study abroad coursework to degree requirements.
Country | Provider | Institution | Foreign Course Number | Foreign Course Title | OSU Course Number | OSU Course Title | Subject | Bacc Core |
Spain | API | Universitat de Barcelona | Art in Spain | OAPI 388 | SPAN: Art in Spain | Spanish | not assessed | |
Spain | API | Universitat de Barcelona | Art in Spain I | OAPI 388 | SPAN: Art in Spain | Spanish | not assessed | |
Spain | API | Universitat de Barcelona | Art in Spain II | OAPI 388 | SPAN: Art in Spain II | Spanish | not assessed | |
Japan | IE3 Global | Waseda University | ARTH13ZL | Art of the West | not yet articulated (bacc core review only) | Art | Western Culture | |
United Kingdom | OSU GO | University of Sussex | V4136 | Art on Site: Place, Identity, Meaning | not yet articulated (bacc core review only) | Literature & the Arts | ||
Japan | IE3 Global | Waseda University | Artificial Intelligence | CS 434 | CS: Machine Learning and Data mining | Computer Science | Not Bacc Core | |
South Korea | IE3 Global | Yonsei University | IEE3597 | Arts of Asia | ART 208 | Introduction to Asian Art | Art | Cultural Diversity |
France | IE3 Global | Lyon 2 - CIEF | Arts visuels - B2 | OEEE 188 | ART: Intro to the Visual Arts | Art | not assessed | |
France | IE3 Global | Sciences Po Lyon | Asian Law | OEEE 388 | PS 399: Asian Law | Political Science | not assessed | |
Australia | College of Health | University of Sydney | EXSS3040 | Assessment of High-Performance Athletes | KIN 474 | Exercise Physiology Lab Methods | Kinesiology | Not Bacc Core |