Biology and Zoology students are involved in international experiences for good reason. An international experience can develop professional skills and the ability to work with an increasingly diverse U.S. population. Graduate schools, professional programs and employers in health care, academia, non-profits, industry and government agencies value the skills and experiences gained by students who go abroad.
- IE3 Global Internships: IE3 Global Internships provide opportunities for junior and senior students to gain credit and professional experience in in a wide variety of contexts and professional areas. Students earn 12 internship credits per term.
- Study Abroad: Students can study abroad to meet a range of goals in varied settings:
- Focus on completing major requirements at an overseas university.
- Focus on your foreign language skills through a language immersion term.
- Focus on your science and professional development skills through a field-based program, including research ranging from public health to marine conservation.
- Focus on OSU coursework and faculty connections through an OSU faculty-led program.
Yes! If going abroad is a priority, there is generally a way to make it affordable. When comparing program costs, be sure to look at the total cost of attending OSU including living and tuition (see OSU's Financial Aid page) as the costs can be comparable and differences can be made up with other resources and planning. Students can also apply their financial aid and scholarships to approved international programs while applying for additional scholarships and aid as needed. Early planning for international experiences also allows time for saving for these experiences.
All OSU GO programs are eligible for scholarships support, and some programs also have additional dedicated scholarships students can apply for. Learn more about resources to help fund your education abroad experience.
Students can generally finish an undergraduate degree in four years with a term or more abroad. Students must complete 180 credits and all degree requirements to graduate, and most science majors can be completed in less than 180 credits (see MyDegrees and talk to your academic advisor for details). This means each student has electives, though numbers will vary. International experiences can count in the following ways:
- All international credits can be used to satisfy the 180 credits required for graduation.
- IE3 Global Internships receive OINT 410 credits though OSU GO. Check in with OSU GO regarding questions you have related to registering for credits and your internship supervision. These credits can be used for the Experiential Learning or Integrative Biology Elective area of your major.
- Study abroad courses can be considered for major, Baccalaureate Core, minor, or Honors College requirements (or the 180 credits for graduation). Ask OSU GO about the standard course load for the program you plan to attend and if there are lists of any courses taken previously at that site. Research program websites for other courses of interest from departments you find that are relevant. Draft an email of proposed courses with course numbers, titles, and descriptions and how you hope to count them for your major or Baccalaureate Core and send it to [email protected]. Contact your minor, Honors College, or other advisors about how courses may be used for other programs you are pursuing.
Early planning will allow students to integrate international experiences with degrees. Students who go abroad in summer have to add a term of aid, while going during the year can be more cost effective as it means paying the difference between costs overseas versus total OSU costs for the same term. Because of major requirements, the optimal term to go abroad tends to be fall term of junior or senior year, though other terms, particularly summer, can work.
- Freshman Year: Students should begin planning for a future study abroad or IE3 Internship.
- Sophomore Year: Students generally do not study abroad this year because of series coursework that spans the entire year and differs from the coursework available at institutions abroad. Health professions students do not go abroad this year as prerequisites for professional programs should not be taken abroad.
- Sophomore/Junior Summer: Students can study abroad or do an internship, but many programs are not offered in summer.
- Junior Year: Students could do an international experience for single term (almost always fall) or a year. Students planning to do an IE3 Global Internship or study abroad for one term should plan to move series coursework to terms they will remain at OSU and instead take single-term courses abroad (not parts of series). Students going abroad for the year can consider series coursework in some cases. Health professions students should avoid professional school prerequisites while abroad.
- Junior/Senior Summer: Students can study abroad or do an internship, but many programs are not offered in summer.
- Senior Year: Students can study abroad or do an IE3 Global Internship. In general, students no longer have any series courses so they can easily go abroad for a single term or the year. It is generally not a good idea to go abroad the last term of senior year, and students most often go in fall term.
- Senior Summer: Some students choose to go abroad during their senior summer. Students can still walk in the Spring as long as they complete coursework by the end of the following summer term.
Consider your academic interests and goals and work with your academic advisors and the staff in the Office of (Global Opportunities) to determine the right program. The following steps should help:
Begin to plan at least six months in advance. You may need to complete major prerequisites or language placements or coursework. Give yourself time to research programs and talk to your advisor about site(s) of interest. The best program for you depends on academic and professional goals, as well as degree requirements. Some important considerations are:
- Talk to your advisor if you want to focus on programs related to your major or professional goals. Talk to OSU Global Opportunities if you want to focus on language, culture or other academic interests beyond your major.
- Studying abroad will provide an international campus experience with other students.
- IE3 Global Internship or field-based study abroad programs will focus on professional experience.
- Studying abroad on exchanges or OSU faculty-led programs will generally keep program costs lower.
- If you are considering studying a language abroad, visit OSU GO's Getting Started page to create an OSU GO account. OSU GO can follow up about next steps. Discuss timing with your advisor to avoid complications related to other major coursework.
- If you plan to focus on your major or professional goals, talk to your advisor about program selection, fit, and timing. Visit OSU GO's Getting Started page to create an OSU GO account, and OSU GO will follow up about next steps
- Follow up on OSU GO items to apply. Note deadlines (typically 6 months ahead). Applications include recommendations, essays, and transcripts - start early!
The Office of Global Opportunities can help you identify program options related to interests outside of your major. If you are considering an experience that focuses on language, culture, or a broader academic focus, visit OSU GO's Getting Started page to create an OSU GO account and discuss your options with an OSU GO team member.
Study Abroad and Internship Programs for Biology and Zoology Students
Veterinary Medicine & Animal Care
Cheetah Conservation Fund | IE3 Internship
New Zealand
Animal Science in New Zealand | IE3 Internship
Environmental Sciences in New Zealand | IE3 Internship
Animal Sciences and Zoology | IE3 Internship
South Africa
Cape Town Marine, Wildlife and Environmental Conservation | IE3 Internship
James Cook University | Study Abroad
Czech Republic
Molecular and Cellular Biology Research in Czech Republic | IE3 Internship
Cheetah Conservation Fund | IE3 Internship
New Zealand
University of Otago, Dunedin (IFSA-Butler) | Study Abroad
United Kingdom
Bangor University, Wales | Study Abroad
Lancaster University, England | Study Abroad
Ecology, Evolution, Organismal Biology
James Cook University | Study Abroad
Costa Rica
Humans and the Rainforest | IE3 Internship
Tropical Forestry and Botanical Studies | IE3 Internship
Otter Conservation | IE3 Internship
Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts & Sciences (GAIAS) | Study Abroad
Gabon Biodiversity Program, Smithsonian | IE3 Internship
University College Cork | Study Abroad
Cheetah Conservation Fund | IE3 Internship
New Zealand
Environmental Sciences in New Zealand | IE3 Internship
University of Otago, Dunedin (IFSA-Butler) | Study Abroad
Prestigious Tropical Research with the Smithsonian | IE3 Internship
Tropical Island Biodiversity & Conservation Studies (SFS) | Study Abroad
Wildlife Research | IE3 Internship
Biodiversity and Development in the Andes-Amazon (SFS) | Study Abroad
Wildlife & Conservation Education | IE3 Internship
South Africa
Cape Town Marine, Wildlife and Environmental Conservation | IE3 Internship
Wildlife Management Studies (SFS) | Study Abroad
United Kingdom
Bangor University, Wales | Study Abroad
Lancaster University, England | Study Abroad
Marine Biology
James Cook University | Study Abroad
Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts & Sciences (GAIAS) | Study Abroad
Marine Biology Research and Education in Ireland | IE3 Internship
Pacific & Atlantic Oceans
Coral Reef Conservation: Caribbean (SEA SEMESTER) | Study Abroad
Oceans & Climate (SEA SEMESTER) | Study Abroad
Prestigious Tropical Research with the Smithsonian | IE3 Internship
South Africa
South Africa Shark Conservancy: Research and Fieldwork | IE3 Internship
Cape Town Marine, Wildlife and Environmental Conservation | IE3 Internship
Turks & Caicos
Marine Resource Management Studies (SFS) | Study Abroad
United Kingdom
Bangor University, Wales | Study Abroad
Additional Study Abroad Universities
Universidad San Francisco de Quito | Study Abroad
University of Poitiers | Study Abroad
Baden-Württemberg Universities | Study Abroad
United Kingdom
Sheffield University, England | Study Abroad
Human Health Professions
Click here for a program list.